MONDAY - SATURDAY 0830-0930 (Morning session) - 7285 kHz
AND 1830-1930 (Evening Session) - 7285 kHz
Our alternate night frequency is 3877kHz.
In the event of an emergency event, such as tropical storms/hurricanes the net may be activated. All amateur operators with a General Class or higher ham license are welcomed to check into the net.
We hope you enjoy your visit to the website and that you return often.
Please feel free to send us comments about the website by clicking on the above contact button.
THIS WEBSITE IN NO MANNER WHATSOEVER ENDORSES ANY WEBSITES LINKED TO, PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE, OR ANY OTHER CONTENT ON THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE. ALL WEATHER INFORMATION IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND AS SUCH SHOULD NOT BE USED AS AN OFFICIAL SOURCE. ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR OFFICIAL INFORMATION. All links are automatically taken from the originating websites. This site is not responsible for its content. For use and/or rebroadcasting guidelines, please visit the linked site originators. This website is independently maintained solely as a service for the Day Time Texas Traffic Net (DTTN) OR the Texas Traffic Net, and for the ham radio community. Inquiries regarding the website can be sent to the webmaster by clicking the Contact Link.